Helping "have a nice day"
Sometimes your day doesn't always go to plan and we all need a #helpingHAND to get through. On those days, it's the little things just as much as the big that can change our day and sometimes our life. It might simply be a smile to a stranger, or buying a coffee for the person next in line. Each day we have the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of those around us. Each day we have an opportunity to help those around us "have a nice day".
Everyone we come into contact with in our lives will have an impact on us. The impact may be immediate or delayed for days, weeks, months or even years! Sometimes we may never know what that impact is.
Through #helpingHAND we want to ensure that impact is a positive one. That stranger you just smiled at on your way to work may have been trying to work through a number of challenges. Your smile may alter the course of their life forever.
However big or small your gesture may be, we challenge you to lend a #helpingHAND to at least one person every day and make our world a better place.
How do I show my #helpingHAND?
Choose someone you're going to help "have a nice day".
Decide how you are going to help them "have a nice day" - smile, buy a stranger a coffee, deliver cake to friends and family, ask a stranger how their day was - the possibilities are endless!
Share your experience with #helpingHAND - it might be a photo, video or a story.